January 3, 2024

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great break and is ready for a great semester of girl scouts.

First up - Cookie Season is here.  You should have received an email last month asking you to register your girl scout.  If your scout will be selling cookies please dig up that email and get signed up in digital cookies.  You will soon start getting regular emails from our extraordinary cookie mom - Marta DeVolt.  If you haven't gotten any emails from her please let us know.  Our goal is to sell 7,500 boxes of cookies this year to help support our regular activities as well as make headway on our Savannah trip next spring. 

Badges and Awards - I hope to hand out the badges earned during the fall at our meeting on Sunday and I might even have our fall product awards by then! If you need help getting vests updated please let me know.  Remember girls should wear their vests whenever selling cookies.

T-Shirts & Hoodies - We have a few remaining T-shirts if you didn't order them in December. T-shirts are $10 each.  I do have 1 Adult XL sweatshirt available for $20.

Circus - The circus is coming to town and they're offering special Girl Scout tickets.  We won't do this as a troop but if you're interested for your family follow this link https://bit.ly/46RdX8R

Missed Meetings - If you missed any meetings in the fall and would like to make up the badge work check out the missed meetings page on our website: https://www.girlscout30011.org/missed-meetings

Summer Camp - Council summer  camps are open and they're offering an early bird special through the month.  Find out more at https://bit.ly/3R5CbYu

Spring Schedule!  I've tried to include everything that I know our troop will do for the next 5 months.  Sign up sheets are up on the website and the calendar is updated. 


7 Troop Meeting 2:00-3:30 @ Summerfield United Methodist Church

21 No Meeting - Cookie Walk About weekend

TBA - Cookie Booths


4 Troop Meeting 2:00-3:30 @ Summerfield United Methodist Church

TBA - Cookie Booths

     18 Troop Meeting 2:00-3:30

 Junior Planning Meeting 3:30-4:00 (Juniors planning Daisy Day)

TBA - Ma’am Dance (My Adult and Me)


3 Troop Meeting 2:00-3:30 @ Summerfield United Methodist Church

10 - Troop hosted Daisy Day for Service Unit 1:30-4:00 (Sign Up Sheet)

16 Girl Scout Shabbat Event - More information coming soon

17 Troop Hike at Haw River State Park 2:00 (Sign Up Sheet)

23 - Cadette program Aide Training 10:00-4:00 (Keyauwee) (Sign Up Sheet)

TBD Red Theater Girl Scout Movie overnight


7 Troop Meeting 2:00-3:30 @ Summerfield United Methodist Church

21 Troop Fundraiser - Hosting a Journey in A Day 1:30-4:30 (Sign Up Sheet)

TBD Cadette GTCC Observatory Visit


3-5 Spring Camporee (Sign Up Sheet)

5 S’mores & More - Service unit bridging party

19 Bridging and Court of Awards (Sign Up Sheet)


TBD Baseball park sleepover

As always if you have any questions please reach out!


November 26, 2003

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Fall Product/Money - If you haven't picked up your fall product or turned in that money please do that soon!  I'll be purchasing the badges/patches we earned this week. 

Troop T-shirts & Hoodies (We're in our Girl Scout Era) - Thanks to Janna and Steve we have a screen printer who's given us a great deal on t-shirts and we don't have to weed vinyl or press them!  But we do need to get our order in ASAP.  Please try to let us know your order using the form below by tomorrow at 3pm.  If we can get everyone's response before them even better!


Now our crazy December schedule!

December 1:  Disney on Ice

If you're joining us for Disney on Ice I have the tickets.  Please make arrangements to grab them or meet me at the coliseum.

December 2: Parade and Candlefest

Parade - please be aware that street closures start at 8 a.m.  We are meeting at cone 25 which is supposed to be at Greene Street (probably close to Fisher).  At the end of the parade we will meet on church street down from the Children's museum.

PARKING - Parking decks are available. Eugene Street Deck at 215 N. Eugene St., Greene Street Deck at 211 S. Greene St., and  City/County Lot at 201 S. Eugene St.

Dress code:  We're going to hope we have hoodies by then.  If we don't please wear comfortable shoes (please no crocks, slick bottom boots, or sandals), weather appropriate bottoms, a girl scout shirt or solid color shirt and your vest.  Please refrain from clothing idedentify a brand, team, or school.  We're representing girl scouts.  If you need help with a girl scout t-shirt please let me know, I'm sure we have enough to go around.  If you would like badges/patches put on your vest before let me know, I'll be working on vests this week.

Candlefest:  We will procede to candlefest straight from the parade.  I don't have our specific assignments yet but will in the next day or so.  I'd appreciate a parent volunteer who would be willing to pick up pizzas and bring them to candlefest.  We  could work out your scout riding from the parade to candlefst with me. 

If you haven't yet please let us know if you'll be joining us December 2nd  https://forms.gle/MPGkcFkbBCmjLpkZA

December 3 -  No Meeting!

December 10 - Cookie Rally!  Our service unit is hosting a cookie rally to get the girls ready for selling those boxes of cookies.  The Rally is geared towards Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors but we can use Cadettes to run stations.  The rally is at Oak Ridge Methodist Church from 2:30-4:30.  Here's the sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/102xjeFMOpEUsiqzn33yl13DySdfvBNF1cIKWbNIQdHo/edit#gid=1975287084

December 17 - No Meeting!  Sorry to have to cancel but we've had plans pop up and several families have told me they aren't available that day.

Cookie Meeting - please look for an update about a parent cookie meeting.  We hate to put something else on your  calendars for the month of December but cookies start this month. 

October 16, 2023

Happy October!

Fall Product -  If you took any in-person orders to be delivered by your scout please input those into the system tonight.  We cannot make any changes to those after tomorrow night.  If someone didn't get their order in to you on time, they can still place an order to be girl delivered through October 21 and direct and magazines continue through November 11.  So far our troop has made about $400. 

girl delivered orders should arrive the weekend of November 11.

If you did in-person orders, please bring payments to the next meeting.

 Good Turn for Goodwill - October is the annual partnership between Peaks to Piedmont and Goodwill Industries.  Girls can earn a special badge by learning about goodwill and then making a donation.  Everyone should have received a postcard from P2P with relevant links, if you didn't and are interested in the program let me know.  There is also a badge design contest going on - badges must be no larger than 2.5 inches and contain the words "Good Turn for Goodwill" and "2023".  Designs can be submitted to https://girlscoutsp2p.wufoo.com/forms/pp5icc113h83ll/

Next Meeting - Our next meeting is October 22 at 2:00-3:30 we will be celebrating Founders Day and Halloween. As part of the party we will be working on culinary badges so please see food assignments below.  Please have girls take the lead on preparing these dishes and be creative as they'd like, and since everyone is bringing something there's no need for huge quantities!  We will also play founders day games and do halloween crafts.  If we have parents willing to help carve foam pumpkins and possibly have heat knives or wood burners with heat knife attachment the help would be most appreciated. Girls are welcome to wear a costume just keep in mind there will be pumpkin carving, painting, coloring and food involved.

Sweet Snack - Daphne

Savory Snack -  Cora

Veggie Dish -Lucy

Fruit Dish - Kenzee

Dessert -Riley

Drink - Maddie

Sweet Snack - Apria

Savory Snack - Jurnee

Veggie Dish - Iris

Fruit Dish - Evy

Dessert - Elliot

Drink -Skylar

Veggie Dish - Kennedy

Brownie Bash - Our next service unit event is for Brownie scouts on October 29th from 1-2:30.  Parents do not have to stay.  If your brownie is interested please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAEaPRu8bmSQgP3lB7g1XAlWUcGDFLumz6UUTz5u0XiTBKNQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Fall Camping - Our fall camping trip is November 17-19th.  Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/102xjeFMOpEUsiqzn33yl13DySdfvBNF1cIKWbNIQdHo/edit#gid=354320029  RSVP closes on November 1st.  We will have a mandatory camping meeting on November 5th to discuss gear and travel arrangements please make plans for a parent to attend.

Holiday Plans - As of now the plan is for our troop to walk in the Greensboro Christmas parade on December 2 at Noon and then help at Candlefest that afternoon and evening.  younger scouts will set out luminaries and help light them, older girls hand out hot cocoa and stomp out the luminaries at the end.  I had the idea that we could do the parade and have our holiday celebration before heading over to candlefest.  My question is does anyone have ideas where in the downtown area we could have our holiday celebration and can families dedicate December 2nd to girl scouts.  I know these plans are pretty vague but if you could let me know if your family would be okay with a day of girl scouting, it will help me know whether to move forward with planning..  If this plan pans out that would be our last girl scout event of the semester.

As always if you have any questions let me know and I'll see everyone on Sunday!

September 11, 2023

Hi Everyone

I hope everyone is adjusting to the new school year.  

Registration - I am missing updated paperwork from a few people.  Please check the roster below to see if you're up to date.  Missing information is in Yellow.


Fall Product - It's that time of year again.  Fall Product kicks off today.  You should receive a link inviting you to set up your daughter's online account.  If you do not receive one please let me know ASAP.  I have paper forms and brochures if you'd like one.  Remember- you need an online account whether you sell online or not because parents input paper orders into the system. 

I do need a signed permission slip (one per family) for girls to participate.  There's copy in your paper packet or here

I know that finding the link to return to the portal was difficult last year so I've placed it on our website on the home page and the Fall product page. 

Please remember that selling is optional, I know that there are a lot of school/PTO fundraisers going on right now.  However, please consider it since our troop raises a higher percentage per item through Fall Product.

Next meeting- Our next meeting is a field trip!  We will be meeting at the Greensboro Historical Museum at 1:50 so we're ready to get started at 2:00.  We will be wearing full uniform - vest/sash, white shirt, solid colored bottoms.  Please sign up by September 18th and bring a permission form with you to the event.  Both are on our website 


Camping - I'm looking at 2 different options for fall camping.  One is at Camp Keyauwee and one is at Camp Ginger Cascades.  If we do Ginger Cascades we might have to do 2 different carpools - one with elementary ages that leaves earlier in the afternoon so we arrive before dark and a middle school one that leaves a little later.  These weekends are different from what I put out before, I apologize for any confusion and conflicts this causes.  Please let me know your family's availability at 


August 21, 2023

Our first meeting of the year is next Sunday at 2:00.  We'll be making plans and setting goals.  Please bring your supply bag and binder to the meeting.

if you missed our parent meeting please try to make arrangements to pick up your folder so that we can have forms ready to go for our first meeting.

Our first event is September 9th and the sign up sheet is up on the website. https://www.girlscout30011.org/sign-up

If you're a registered adult with the troop and you'll be joining us on camping or field trips please register as a troop driver - the form is online this year.  


August 2023

Welcome to our troop's communication center.  This year's parent meeting will be on August 20th at 2:00pm.  I plan to have it at Summerfield United Methodist Church but am waiting for confirmation.  We only need a parent for this meeting.  Come find out what we're doing this year and fill out forms so we're ready for our first meeting.

First meeting will be August 27th from 2:00-3:30